Lucky 13 Legacy Bundle

from 779.35
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The realsamples legacy bundle features 13 of our "vintage" sample libraries in one package - for a limited time only. They come with presets for the Native Instruments™ Kontakt® sampler (full version required).


Sound Demos

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Bundle description

The following libraries are included:

1) The realsamples 5-String Bass Collection offers a 5-string bass guitar for your sampler. The lush, full deep sound of a G&L™ bass is captured with its dynamics with 32 velocity layers of each note.

Every one of the five strings have been sampled separately with 32 velocity layers, along with ghost notes of each string. The library consists of more than 1,700 single samples.


2) The realsamples 60's Synth Collection contains legendary sounds of a legendary 60's organ: The Vox™ Super Continental®. Featuring three classy sounds of this highly sought-after instrument (each with and without additional vibrato), chromatically sampled, you can enjoy the feeling and vibe of unique retro sounds, a special blend reminiscent of Hammond™ and  Farfisatones.

To achieve an immediate, yet vibey sound, the organ was recorded directly through a Universal Audio™ M610® tube preamp.


3) The realsamples 73 Stage Piano Collection brings the holy grail of electric pianos to your studio: A vintage Fender™ Rhodes® piano, sampled with 16 velocity layers per note. The library consists of nearly 1,200 single samples.

To get the most natural sound, the piano was recorded directly from the pickup through the preamp section of a Mindprint™ DTC® high-end preamp while bypassing any equalization.


4) The realsamples Acoustic Guitar Collection Vol.1 contains a masterbuilt Alhambra™ acoustic guitar for your sampler. No matter if you are working on a production in Rock, Pop, Country, Jazz or anything else, chances are you'll find use for a great western guitar.

Single notes were sampled chromatically with 32 velocity layers of each note, plus multi-sampled chords. The library consists of nearly 1,400 single samples.


5) The realsamples Acoustic Guitar Collection Vol.2 offers you an ultimate classic steelstring; a Martin™ acoustic guitar. If you're looking for a charismatic Western guitar sound, then look no further.

Single notes were sampled chromatically with 32 velocity layers of each note, chords were multi-sampled. The library consists of nearly 1,400 single samples.


6) The realsamples Bass Guitar Collection brings the sound of a Warwick™ Streamer® electric bass to your sampler, with all its low mid and bottom end glory. The bass was recorded directly through a Mindprint™ DTC® channel-strip.

Chromatically sampled, every note is available in 32 velocity layers. Additionally, every string has been sampled up to higher regions (G-string up to the 15th fret). The library contains more than 1,500 single samples.


7) In the history of pop music, only few basses may be recognised instantly by a wide audience. In terms of looks and sound, the Höfner™ bass - recorded in the realsamples Classic Bass Collection - might be the most popular bass due to the revolution in beat music in the early 1960s.

It is a great choice if you want a different sound than those super-low basses – the Höfner™ offers hollow punch that cuts through the mix, plus lots of vibe for great melodic playing.

To provide you with vintage sound, we played it with a pick and ran it through a classic Universal Audio™ tube compressor as well. Single notes were sampled chromatically with 32 velocity layers of each note. Ghost notes are included as well. The library contains more than 1,000 single samples.


8) The realsamples Concert Guitar Collection features a masterbuilt concert guitar, providing typical finesse and grace for nylon-strung "Spanish" guitars. The acoustic guitar is sampled chromatically with 32 velocity layers of each note. The library contains more than 1,000 single samples.


11) The realsamples Hollow Body Guitar Collection Vol.1 opens up a whole new world of electric guitar sounds for your personal "film noir" soundtrack, featuring samples of a Gretsch™ Nashville® electric guitar in its classic in-between pickup setting, utilising its heavy vibrato.

Single notes were sampled chromatically with 32 different layers of each note plus guitar noises, chords and muted notes. The guitar went through a Fender™ tube reverb unit for that authentic vibe and then through a Carr™ Rambler® tube amplifier, recorded with a tube mike through a Chandler™ Germanium® preamp. The library contains close to 1,900 single samples.


12) The realsamples Hollow Body Guitar Collection Vol.2 is also about the responsive tone and feel of a Gretsch™ guitar, but in contrast to the first volume, it offers the bridge pickup for an even clearer, more "twangy" sound.

Single notes were sampled chromatically with 32 different layers of each note plus many guitar noises, chords and muted notes. The guitar went through a Fender™ tube reverb unit for authentic vibe, plus a Carr™ Rambler® tube amplifier. Just like before, the amp was recorded with tube microphone through a Chandler™ Germanium® preamp. The library contains close to 1,400 single samples.


13) The realsamples Real Drums Collection sample library features a Pearl™ drum kit with two snare drums (wood & brass), ride, crash & splash cymbals. The drums were sampled with up to 110 velocity layers.

Additionally, the drums were recorded in left and right hand-versions, to allow for realistic fills and rolls programming. Pre-recorded rolls done by the drummer are included as well.

Apart from regular sticks, brushes and rods (a blend between brushes and regular sticks) were utilized to provide variation. The bass drum was recorded with both left and right pedals.

During the sampling, all microphones on the drum kit were left open to capture the "mic bleed" of a normal drum recording session. This way, a natural balance was achieved. The library contains nearly 3,200 single samples.


15) The realsamples Slap Bass Collection brings funky slap single notes of a Warwick™ Streamer® electric bass to your sampler. Chromatically sampled, every note is avail-able in 32 velocity layers for great dynamic range. Additionally, every string has been sampled up to higher regions (G-string up to the 15th fret) to provide flexibility. Ghost notes are included as well. The library consists of nearly 1,700 single samples.


16) The realsamples Vintage Bass Collection brings the classic Fender™ Jazz Bass® into the sampling world: The vibrant sound that can be found on many timeless records as well as contemporary recordings.

The bass is sampled with 32 velocity layers per note. Additionally, slap notes are included (4 velocity layers per note) as well as ghost notes of every string. The library consists of nearly 1,200 single samples.



realsamples and its sample libraries are in no way affiliated or associated with the manufacturer of the instruments or any of the companies mentioned - including Warwick™, Universal Audio™, Mindprint™, Martin™, Alhambra™, Fender™, Hammond™, Farfisa™, Höfner™, Gretsch™, Carr™, Chandler™, Pearl™ and any other brand name mentioned. Company and model names are used solely to describe the employed instrument/equipment/sound and compatible software samplers. Brand names, trademarks and product names belong to their respective owners.


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